Giving Healing Some Horse Power – Part 4 of 6

Relationship Working with horses has taught me that relationship itself can bring healing. As I mentioned in Part 2, trauma can be very isolating.  Our system goes into the ‘freeze response’ and we dissociate from the trauma, pushing it away into our subconscious.  This disconnects us from those painful emotions, which can serve us for…

Giving Healing Some Horse Power – Part 3 of 6

Listening and Observing When seeking to establish the connection that I wrote about in Parts 1 & 2, listening and observing are essential skills.  As humans we have come to rely heavily on spoken language in our relationships with others, but words are often inadequate or misleading when talking about emotions. With horses words aren’t…

Case Study of a Dog with a Spinal Condition – Part 2 of 4

Last week I started sharing a little about a recent zoopharmacognosy (self selection) session with a canine client of mine. Rachel Windsor-Knott, of My Animal Matters, sent a box of samples to Willow’s owner and, via Skype, talked us through how to offer them and what signals to watch for. Having offered some essential oils,…