What is ‘META-Health’ and How Can It Help Me Get Well? Part 4 of 5

Previously I talked about my personal experience of how a trauma created digestive dis-ease in the form of IBS and food intolerances. Another common feature with fears around survival are that the body retains water.  Its reasoning is that alone it is more difficult to find this life-sustaining resource and so it must hold on…

What is ‘META-Health’ and How Can It Help Me Get Well? Part 3 of 5

In the last post I talked about the trauma I’d experienced at the announcement of my parents’ plan to get divorced.  This was my UDIN (Unexpected trauma that was Dramatic, Isolating and for which I had No coping strategy – point 2 in the diagram below). Shortly after the announcement, Mum took us to her…

What is ‘META-Health’ and How Can It Help Me Get Well? Part 2 of 5

In the last post we looked at how dis-ease is actually part of a wellbeing process.  Now I’d like to give an example to illustrate how this works. When we experience a traumatic event – one that is Unexpected, Dramatic, Isolating and for which we have No coping strategy (a UDIN), the stress comes into…

What is ‘META-Health’ and How Can It Help Me Get Well? – Part 1 of 5

‘META-Health’ is an analytical tool which looks for the root cause behind a dis-ease so that it can be addressed directly rather than just trying to reduce symptoms.  If the cause behind a disease can be identified and released it then allows us to start the journey back to wellbeing. META-Health sees dis-ease as a…

The Throat Chakra – Vishudda

Unsurprisingly this chakra is located at the throat!  Its glands are: thyroid parathyroid. The thyroid gland has 2 lobes that are located on either side of the larynx.  It secretes thyroid hormone which helps to regulate the body’s metabolic rate and calcitonin which affects blood calcium levels. The parathyroid glands are found at the thyroid.  They secrete parathormone which works in…

The Heart Chakra – Anahata

Located in the middle of the chest this chakra corresponds to the thymus gland which is found at the sternum and plays an important role in immunity. The body parts influenced by this chakra are lungs heart arms hands pericardium   The colour of this chakra is green (or sometimes pink); its sense is the sense of touch; its element is…

The Sacral Chakra – Swadhistana

Located slightly below the belly button, this energy centre relates to the gonads (ie the ovaries in the female and the testes in the male) which secrete sex hormones. It is also linked with the lower back. The colour of this chakra is orange; its sense is the sense of taste; its element is water its function is desire and pleasure. The foods for this chakra are…

The Chakra System

In this series of 8 posts I’ll be looking at the Chakra System.  The word ‘chakra’ comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel.  It is a metaphor for the eternal cycle of time and so represents celestial order and balance ( Wheels of Life, Anodea Judith).  The chakras turn like a set of interconnected cogs and serve…