Deepening Your Connection – Part 5 of 5

Other ways of supporting your own wellbeing and balance include: taking time-out for yourself meditation / mindfulness physiotherapy / chiropractic / massage sessions a healthy diet getting sufficient sleep complementary therapies (eg homeopathy, aromatherapy Bach Flower remedies, EFT, healing, etc) I personally offer a range of support which can be used face-to-face or at a…

Facial Expression and Body Language – Part 4 of 5

Another common concern is when people see their horse standing still with his head lowered for periods of time.  Is he depressed?  Or is he just resting? Horses can sleep standing up, due to an inbuilt locking mechanism in their legs, meaning that they can stay upright without any conscious effort on their part.  Their…

Facial Expression and Body Language – Part 2 of 5

In the following diagrams I will look at each feature in isolation, but this can be misleading.  These comments are therefore just a guideline.  You will need to take the whole face and body into consideration. For example, if the ears are facing slightly backwards the horse could be listening to something going on behind…

Giving Healing Some Horse Power – Part 6 of 6

The right fuel As someone who’s experienced food intolerances in the past I’ve become very interested in reading labels and knowing what’s in the food that I eat.  Also, through my work with horses I’ve seen the consequences of a diet that is not appropriate to the animal’s needs. Many of the commercial horse feeds…