Accepting Your Good – Healing is Revolution in Your Life

Healing is revolution. Healing is about change. Healing comes through “Accepting your own Good”. The change that you bring about through healing, is in being able to accept yourself and your own good. You change from being guilty about your existence, to a state of accepting the goodness in just being your self. Eastern Philosophy,…

Are You Trying Too Hard?

There is a fine line between effort, which is crucial to achieve health-related or any other goal, and trying TOO hard, which in many cases, has the opposite effect.  In other words, to heal from disease, effort verses “letting go” must be balanced.  As phrased in the spiritual jargon: there must be room for “the…

The Astonishing Power of Meditation to Heal

There are so many, many definitions of what Meditation is, and of course there are many systems of teaching Meditation technique. The Yoga approach is one of the most well known and structured ways to learn. The Zen way, of sitting zazen, is one of the least structured meditation practices. And this is J. Krishnamurti’s…

An Expression of Healing – Healing Guilt Comes with Emotional Healing

Guilt is a totally wasted emotion.  This is an excerpt from my book Daddy’s Girl’s Guilty as Hell: For me guilt and all its residue and baggage serves very little positive purpose, save to show me when I need compassion for myself and when to move on. Guilt gets in the way of grieving. Guilt…

5 Simple Self-Care Routines for Gut Health and improved Mental Health

Here are 5 simple self-care routines that you can practice at home to ensure good mental health and improve gut health: 1. Drink water This is such a simple practice and yet one that so many people overlook when they feel unwell. Water is freely available in the Western world, and yet we seem to…

From Mindfulness to ‘Beingfulness’

‘Mindfulness’ has become a common concept these days and many people are benefiting greatly from this practice, however I have always felt that something was missing… For me it doesn’t fully take into account that we are more than just our mind: we are Mind, Body & Spirit.  Even these divisions are artificial and it’s…