Case Study of a Dog with a Spinal Condition – Part 2 of 4
Last week I started sharing a little about a recent zoopharmacognosy (self selection) session with a canine client of mine.
Rachel Windsor-Knott, of My Animal Matters, sent a box of samples to Willow’s owner and, via Skype, talked us through how to offer them and what signals to watch for.
Having offered some essential oils, we then moved on to the 2 macerates that Rachel had thought would help Willow: Comfrey and Arnica. Willow devoured these, lapping up all that Rachel had sent. (Comfrey – also known as ‘knit bone’ – is often selected by animals with fractures and can also help in cases of soft tissue damage. It helps to ease inflammation of the stomach too, so can support those suffering from the side effects of pain killing medication. Arnica is often selected by animals with bruising, muscular injury and inflammatory pain. It can also work as an immune system stimulant.)
Rachel then suggested offering the Rose and Valerian Root waters. Willow licked and chewed at the bottles so her owner poured some out and again she lapped these up and wanted more. She seemed to have a slight preference for the Rose water. (Rose is often offered in cases of anger and resentment, hormone balancing, feelings of rejection and emotional wounds, trauma and unwanted memories. Valerian root can act as a muscle relaxant and sedative to give support in cases of anxious behaviours.)
We then moved on to Marjoram Sweet. This was on a cloth and again Willow showed interest. Her energy come up and she appeared quite playful. She approached her owner which made Rachel think she might want to have the oil applied. Rachel gave instructions for Willow’s owner to rub the cloth on her hands and offer these to Willow. Willow accepted this so her owner gently rubbed her hands first on Willow’s chest, then her neck and shoulders and on down to her back. Willow then turned round and presented her rump and back for the oil to be applied there too! (This oil can work as an antispasmodic, helping to ease stiffness in the muscles and is also very comforting in cases of grief.)
Lastly there was a cloth with Violet Leaf oil. Willow showed great interest in this, chewing at the cloth. (This oil can be very supportive when there is anticipation of pain. It seems to be comforting to the heart and to help those of a nervous disposition.)
Next week I’ll talk about how we drew the session to a close and how things progressed for Willow.
(You can read the whole article here)
My journey into working in the field of Wellbeing began when I joined an online course in Evolutionary Enlightenment. This caused me to take a hard look at my life – my career, my direction, my purpose – and question whether or not it was really right for me. The answer was No. I was lost, struggling and unhappy.
Searching for something that would resonate for me and that would support my need to grow, I started learning Reiki which, in a roundabout way, led me back to one of my passions: animals. Horses in particular hold a very special place in my heart. I love supporting owners to explore their horse’s physical and emotional needs.
I went on to study Energy Healing, Emotional Freedom Techniques and META-Health because I also love supporting other women who are experiencing similar experiences of stress and overwhelm. I love holding a safe space where they can discover that they have always had choices and the power to make their own decisions.
mobile: 07980 669303
Skype: by appointment only to ensure that I am in the office and available to take your call. Please contact me to arrange a date and time