Introducing Robyn Harris

My journey into working in the field of Wellbeing began when I joined an online course in Evolutionary Enlightenment.  This caused me to take a hard look at my life – my career, my direction, my purpose – and question whether or not it was really right for me.  The answer was No.  I was lost, struggling and unhappy.

Searching for something that would resonate for me and that would support my need to grow, I started learning Reiki which, in a roundabout way, led me back to one of my passions: animals.  For years I had shut down this part of my life, telling myself it was unimportant, but suddenly I realised that this is what makes my heart sing!

Horses in particular hold a very special place in my heart.  I love supporting owners to explore their horse’s physical and emotional needs and seeing how this helps to improve not only the horse’s wellbeing but their own as well.  It can also result in bringing them even closer so that they work more effectively together as a team.

I went on to study Energy Healing, Emotional Freedom Techniques and META-Health because I also love supporting other women who are experiencing similar experiences of stress and overwhelm.  I love holding a safe space where they can discover that they have always had choices and the power to make their own decisions.  They just needed to reconnect with that.  It’s wonderful to see them coming out of their shell and stepping into their authentic Self.




