Teri Dluznieski

Teri Dluznieski



Education Specialist, health coach, and Author.

I work with aspects of the teachings I have learned: from Andean shamanic and cosmology, to health, nutrition and education. In the end, it is very simple, and elegant. That is definitely an aspect I learned from the Andean teachings. Everything is energy. Energy must flow. Like water, when it does not flow, it stagnates and is not healthy. These techniques help your life to flow.

I have been initiated into many of the ancient lineages and learned ceremonies, rites of passage and healing techniques. Mostly, I learned a lot about a cosmology that is vastly different than Western belief systems. This is a HUGE distinction and very powerful in creating change and bringing healing. I have worked as a healer and done workshops and taught some of these aspects – passing the teachings on.

The Legacy After Death: What We Leave Behind

Again, I found myself in a discussion thread- they have become great resources for reflection and writing.  The question posed was a little ambiguous, on the topic of Death.  What we thought about Death.  Strangely framed.  But it made me think about the Question, so perhaps it was a very effective question. I was not…

Introduction to Chaga Mushrooms, Healing Properties and Preparation

Chaga protrudes from the tree trunk like some nasty gnarly demonic gnome.   Absolutely not the most attractive or appealing presentation.  More often than not, hikers pass it by, never noticing its presence.  It looks like a charred brain tumour, with a slightly crumbly and rough exterior. What a paradox, that something so uninviting  possesses such…

Practical Information and Advice for Better Dreamwork

In order to understand dreams and work with them, first we need to understand a little bit about how the brain works. The brain has 3 basic levels, the limbic, which is responsible for.. well.. everything. It is a basic binary element. It either makes or does something, or it doesn’t. Like a computer, 1’s…

Addiction, Dreams, Healing and the Brain

I read Daniel Pinchbeck’s book: Breaking Open the Head a while back.  Its subtitle is psychedelic shamanism.  It is a very informed and informative book that draws both on empirical data about a range of plants and psychedelic agents, as well as personal anecdotal information that work together to create and convey very detailed information…

Real-life Learning, Living “Connection” and Environmental Balance

I’ve been coming across a lot of things lately about connected-ness. A lot of spiritual based “messages” to remind us how much we are intricately connected, to our higher Selves, to our angels, to God.. to the Universe around us.  All of these messages, from different denominational directions:  all worded slightly different, as befits the…

Riding and Releasing Fear at the Cellular Level

I’ve worked with a handful of riders who had deep fear issues, some of whom had many years of riding and horse ownership.  What needs to be understood, and addressed, is the way the body stores fear-memory at the cellular level. Yoga, breathwork, grounding and relaxation techniques need to be incorporated – otherwise the trainer…

Empowering the Lower Chakras: Abundance, Manifesting and Grounding

In talking about the importance of the lower chakras, the discussions delved into both cultural stereotypes of language and perception, as well as encompassing the whole re holistic and energetic. I heard from a lot of healers who were surprised at their own Aha’s. Many people commented that they thought they were incorporating the whole-body…

Energetic Blind Spots, Relationships and Mirrors

One of the hardest things, especially when young and dating, isn’t the ‘naivete’ so much as the energetic blind spots.  In healing work we teach, if you don’t heal it you marry it (or date it).  Also, one well-known writer guru notes, the other term for soul mate, is wound mate.  Essentially the same precept….

The Importance of Play and Creativity in Our Lives

I want to touch more deeply on the topic of PLAY. Ideally PLAY and creativity should be connected, should be tapping the same place.  The difficulty we have in western/ modern society, is that we don’t really  play.  We are very disconnected from that place, of playing.  There is an excellent book, Playing by Heart…

Mindful Education: Teaching Kids To Be Real Leaders Who Support and Encourage Their Peers

I just saw this interesting image and caption.  It notes that real women lift other women up, instead of tearing them down.  I couldn’t agree more!  Especially in today’s catty cut-throat petty gossipy and bickering culture!  What IF women were raised with a genetic or social mandate, to improve the lives of their peers and…