Teri Dluznieski

Teri Dluznieski



Education Specialist, health coach, and Author.

I work with aspects of the teachings I have learned: from Andean shamanic and cosmology, to health, nutrition and education. In the end, it is very simple, and elegant. That is definitely an aspect I learned from the Andean teachings. Everything is energy. Energy must flow. Like water, when it does not flow, it stagnates and is not healthy. These techniques help your life to flow.

I have been initiated into many of the ancient lineages and learned ceremonies, rites of passage and healing techniques. Mostly, I learned a lot about a cosmology that is vastly different than Western belief systems. This is a HUGE distinction and very powerful in creating change and bringing healing. I have worked as a healer and done workshops and taught some of these aspects – passing the teachings on.

Are Different Kinds of Spiritual Energy the Same?

Prana, Chi, Sami, Psychic Energy? Someone asked if chi, psychic energy, and other forms/ kinds of energy are in fact all the same thing. or if they were inherently different. I haven’t ever really given too much thought to this idea before- and the adage: everything is energy always seemed to cover that topic. Because,…

Distinguishing and Balancing Love, Need and Energy

All relationships seek to find the balance point, a workable harmony or sustainability.  As all is energy, and all is in a constant state of flux, so too do relationships shift and change.  At the base of most relationships is the desire to love and be loved; to feel loved, safe and accepted. Unfortunately, I…

Energetics of Friendship, Sorcery and Envito

Even the people we trust, or believe we *should* be able to trust, both physically and energetically.. may not be in their utmost integrity, literally or energetically.  Do I think my teachers intentionally sent out cords to drain or hurt me?  I can’t imagine some of them sitting down and mapping this out… that’s cold-calculated…

Chronic Lyme: Immoral Pioneers of Health

Chronic conditions suck.  Literally and metaphorically.  They are draining, depleting and compromise the quality of Life.  Period.  Plain and simple.  I had one Andean teacher who really nailed healing 100% dead center.  Many people talk about the need to make peace with an illness, to understand why it came.  He noted that was crap (…

Another Chapter on Cords, Entanglement and Affinities

Cords are threads of energy connection between two energy bubbles.  Ideally, nothing should be connected to the energy bubble.  But cords do happen, it is not uncommon.  They should release after an engagement, and in a perfect world cords would not connect even during engagements, but what fun would a perfect world be? Most times…

Beyond Negativity: Andean Cosmology, Synchronicity and Shamanism

How does one know when we are in Ayni, or harmony, with our world and our life? Is synchronicity a valid feedback tool? If things are going smoothly and working out for us- is that a sign that this is what we should be doing?  Or do we selectively choose when to apply this feedback?…

Compassion and Cruelty: How We Receive Them is our Choice

I was, yet again, over on LinkedIn – I really do find some thought-provoking discussions and subjects there. I was just reading about how spiritual people can be very cruel, and inconsiderate. It was an interesting spring-board. First-. not everyone who purports to be walking a spiritual path… IS on the path.  Or rather, they…

Confirmation Bias, Synchronicity and Kangaroos

The discussion between synchronicity versus “confirmation bias” has come up a lot on the discussion threads, so I opted to put together a post that was more specifically geared to discuss them. My comment was that.. we are essentially ALL immersed in and surrounded by patterns.. EVERYTHING is part of patterns and/ or pattern. It…

Goats, Wind and Drugs: Natural Survival Instincts and Decision Making

I was just out grazing my goats- which I do on an almost daily basis.  This gives them some  free-range time.  I notice during the summer they are very inclined to hang out in an area, or tend toward the shady areas as soon as they have eaten enough to be moderately full.  I say…

What Does a Healthy Relationship Look Like? Healthy Boundaries

hhmmm….I just got posed one of those really thought provoking questions.  One of those questions that is simple and straight-forward, but I don’t know if I’ve ever really asked/answered it before. interesting and thought provoking: IS there a clear cut definition for a healthy relationship? Essentially- what does, or should a healthy relationship look like?…