The Tree of Sad Stories

In the evenings we gatherNear the treeWe sit in a circleAnd listen to the storiesThat the tree tells Nobody talksAnd we all cryBecause we love the storiesSo much And we love the wayIt feels as ifEvery storyHas its rootsIn nothing.     I used to be a graphic designer and an illustrator.  I became involved…

Little Red…

I am sitting on the terrace in the afternoon sun; Jane and I are thinking that it will soon be time for coffee; our breakfast went on until lunchtime and then we went on a shopping spree just as the shops were closing for Spanish siesta…! But it meant we had a nice walk and…

Rasheed’s 1 Minute Tips: Balance (Video)

What does the word balance mean to you? Do you feel balanced? Do the various parts of your life feel in balance? What needs attention, affection and addressing? Rasheed Ogunlaru is an acclaimed life, business and corporate coach whose simple ‘become who you are’ approach has helped countless business owners connect with themselves, their businesses…

What Matters to You…?

Athena Jane arrived over the blue footbridge from the airport and we whisked her away in our hire car all of us hungry for lunch… At 3.30pm we realised we better turn off the main road and look for somewhere to eat as bars and restaurants generally stop serving lunch at 4pm… At 3.55 we…

The Reflection of Love…

Saturday… We are in Valencia, it has a lovely feel, wide streets and bright blue skies… We arrived and had our second breakfast in a traditional Spanish bar… Our first was Easy Jet porridge at early o clock, and then tostados con aceite y tomate at civilised Spanish breakfast o clock… I love the feel…

Holding the Space in the Heart

Building on our inner world, is the practice of holding the space within by strengthening and growing our masculine energy. This space within as we know in Yoga, is the inner structure of our temple within – we strengthen our masculine energy and inner structures so that the transformative, feminine energy can flow. As the…

The Road Less Travelled…

I like my Hilton home; It is very comfortable indeed. I love my 24 hour gym, right on my doorstep. I love feeling warm all the time, the deep hot bath, and the huge bed with clean sheets. It feels almost like my ‘checking in’ point; where Anadi and I return to get further instructions…