Why Do I Write Paranormal Stories?

What is my fascination with the paranormal world? Why do I write paranormal novels? Let’s explore the human fascination with the in-human world beyond our reality. I have always been fascinated with the world of the supernatural and paranormal.  As a child I loved reading ghost stories and watching TV documentaries. Strange But True was…

Has our High Street Changed because of the Pandemic?

Have you returned to the high street since lockdown restrictions eased? Do you enjoy browsing in shops for new clothes, shoes and accessories, or do you simply order everything online these days? I used to enjoy shopping days as a social event, but that would include wandering around the shops with friends, catching up on…

Finding Narnia: The Wardrobe of Words

I’ve always loved the word ‘crinkle’. It has such happy, playful edges; an exuberant breed of wrinkle, nestling in furrows of amiability. Far more excitable than a fold, but so much kinder than a pinch! It’s the pleated corner of a smiling eye or the puckered crumple of seersucker. And unlike the meekly silent ‘wrinkle’,…

How to Start a Business During a Pandemic

How I launched my Reiki therapy business while simultaneously managing life as a single parent with a chronic pain condition. Incorporating I had a bad couple of weeks with eye pain caused by ingrowing eyelashes recently. It resulted in an emergency appointment at the local eye hospital and a week of antibiotic eyedrops to soothe…