Unlimited Expansion vs 3D Matrix – The Arcturian Council (Video)
As always, set an intention to receive these words through your heart space. Love you my friends? Transcript below The Arcturian Council: You are in an infinite situation of expanding possibilities… And yours is a realm full of expanding possibilities. And as you reach further and further with each cycle, you peel away more of…
I Feel Like It’s Impossible To Focus. Why Is This And What Can I Do? (Video)
You Ask, We Answer Introduction Join Sue and Carrie as they use the tarot and intuitive messages to address your most pressing questions … practical answers from a spiritual perspective. About Carrie Beleno I am an intuitive reiki master/teacher, spiritual life coach, and general communicator with all things energetic… (which is everything!)….
Practice being used to the Feeling of Higher Frequency States – The Arcturian Council and My Guides (Video)
As always, set an intention to receive these words through your heart space. Love you my friends? Transcript below You may be feeling rapid pushes to hold higher baseline frequencies (larger amounts of light) You can think of your baseline frequency two ways: • The average rate of vibration (frequency) you hold over time, or…
I Feel Bitter About A Betrayal. How Can I Move Past This Feeling? (Video)
You Ask, We Answer Introduction Join Sue and Carrie as they use the tarot and intuitive messages to address your most pressing questions … practical answers from a spiritual perspective. About Carrie Beleno I am an intuitive reiki master/teacher, spiritual life coach, and general communicator with all things energetic… (which is everything!)….
Consciously Manifesting (We must first do this work) -The Arcturian Council and My Guides (Video)
As always, set an intention to receive these words through your heart space. Love you my friends? Transcript below From the Arcturians and my Guides☺️ 1. Mind your Observations Always. Shift all observations out of the energy of judgment. • The energetic pattern of polarizing judgements (on situations and other people) “clog up” or take…
How Can I Shift My Loneliness? (Video)
You Ask, We Answer Introduction Join Sue and Carrie as they use the tarot and intuitive messages to address your most pressing questions … practical answers from a spiritual perspective. About Carrie Beleno I am an intuitive reiki master/teacher, spiritual life coach, and general communicator with all things energetic… (which is everything!)….
How you Receive Messages (More Leveling Up) – The Arcturian Council (Video)
As always, set an intention to receive these words through your heart space. Love you my friends? See Transcript below. This message from the Arcturians provides another extremely important step to leveling up in your position of powerful creation and taking ultimate responsibility for your reality. To do this, we must practice the true discernment…