Yolanda Marie

Yolanda Marie



I am what can be called a Blue Ray Arcturian Channel. I am integrated with four of my Higher Selves and consciously connected to many etheric Guides (which you all have as well). I have a direct conscious connection with my 9th dimensional Arcturian Council family for the purpose of bringing in and teaching information which will elevate us to our next level of consciousness and evolution.

We are moving beyond a “power over others” paradigm into a period of heart centered living.

The Activations that I create help humans to access and unlock their many heart centered gifts by increasing their level of quantum understanding and activating their dormant etheric DNA (Christ Consciousness) which contains the “memory” of your natural abilities and heart connection.

There are high frequencies and codes embedded within all messages, readings, and healings, which assist with this. They are called forward by your Higher Selves, Guides, and the human collective consciousness.

Message to Awakened Humanity: Things Shift as You Shift – The Arcturian Council

The Arcturians: In regard to the duty you have claimed there on the planet, of bringing forth the mastery, the code… in regard to this we say to you, you can be still and not worry. Things are masterfully coming forward. But there is much turmoil on the planet and it seems like things will…

Adjusting to Your Higher Baseline Frequencies – The Arcturian Council and my Guides

Breakdown:As your baseline frequency heightens, the pendulum swings more slowly• And at each plateau, the altitude of the pendulum adjusts.(The “pendulum” depicts the rhythm back and forth of energy momentum, natural balance of thought form and influence of thought energy)• It rises in conjunction with your frequency Your level of experiencing shifts• The lowest low…

In the Astrals Meeting Future Husbands, Wives, Soul Tribes – The Arcturian Council and my Guides

Outline:You may begin to consciously realize that you have been meeting people who are part of this future timeline in the Astrals.• Your future spouse (or future significant other) who you are drawing to yourself via the increasing synchronicities which result from your increasing baseline frequencies.*Applies to those of you who are not already in…

Move Forward in Thought (Always be doing this☺️) – The Arcturian Council

The Arcturians: Just remember that when you begin to ruminate into what you have not (or what you observe as what you have not) desired… or what you do not appreciate about life, how people around you have been, how a situation that you were in has been… remember to think forward into that which…

The Importance of Human Experience – The Arcturian Council

The Arcturians: It is advantageous that you see and feel yourself on the earth as human… as you go about living amongst each other and with each other. You can rewrite and fashion the code in a way that is functional toward your truth, your true identity, your true nature, your natural way of being,…

Seeing Beyond Time Into Future Events – The Arcturian Council and my Guides

Outline: You are creating branches from your current timeline into your highest timeline. • In between, there continue to be many possibilities of detail in your advancement forward. And you are the one in control of this on many levels. • “This is not a direct conquest. Rather the material of the Universe is fashioning…

The Nature of Your Creations (Equal and Opposite Poles) – The Arcturian Council

The Arcturians: The moment you go into creation mode… the moment you dream up something, an end result, a goal, a finished product, you also have created it’s opposite. But know and understand that the creation that you are experiencing from yourself is the pulling out of everything or pulling from the Source of everything…

Your Responsibility As You Awaken – The Arcturian Council

The Arcturians: Being who you are is allowing yourself to feel what you feel while clearing it and integrating it and cleansing it through the heart space. Taking responsibility is not a punishment. Taking responsibility means allowing yourself to BE the thing that you want to be. Acknowledging your deepest desires, but again filtering them…

A New Collective Push (More Understanding of Divine Power) with the Arcturian Council and My Guides

Breakdown: 1. Being urged to radiate out your power intentionally More consistently, and “on purpose” More attention to radiating love from within your field We are being urged to put this into intentional practice as often as possible. A collective movement (of all human consciousness) to consciously exact our power of creation within all situations,…

Situations (like individual Beings) Hold A Frequency – The Arcturian Council

The Arcturians: A situation is just a collective environment of circumstances, of action, activity… motivational sequences of things occurring toward a common goal. And so it is the next or logical understanding that the situation itself would have a frequency. It would hold a volume of frequency equivalent to those around it, within it, involved…

Keeping your Field Clear of Others’ Streams of Thought – The Arcturian Council and My Guides

Breakdown: Other streams of thought or streams of consciousness are interacting with your field. • Some thoughts that you believe have originated from you are not actually yours. • But after engaging with them as if they are yours, you might then build on them, thus creating a different (new) cluster, a different stream of…

Entering A Time of Quantum Realm Understanding – The Arcturian Council

The Arcturians: Humans are approaching a time now of a bridge. There is a bridge now happening where humans are learning to understand the quantum field in which they operate. This is not all humans concurrently, but in waves. The point is manifestation energies are increasing and humans are learning to determine which is their…