How Many Layers Are There To Division? (Video)
You Ask, We Answer Introduction Join Sue and Carrie as they use the tarot and intuitive messages to address your most pressing questions … practical answers from a spiritual perspective. About Carrie Beleno I am an intuitive reiki master/teacher, spiritual life coach, and general communicator with all things energetic… (which is everything!)….
Situations (like individual Beings) Hold A Frequency – The Arcturian Council
The Arcturians: A situation is just a collective environment of circumstances, of action, activity… motivational sequences of things occurring toward a common goal. And so it is the next or logical understanding that the situation itself would have a frequency. It would hold a volume of frequency equivalent to those around it, within it, involved…
What Is Strength And Where Can We Find It? (Video)
You Ask, We Answer Introduction Join Sue and Carrie as they use the tarot and intuitive messages to address your most pressing questions … practical answers from a spiritual perspective. About Carrie Beleno I am an intuitive reiki master/teacher, spiritual life coach, and general communicator with all things energetic… (which is everything!)….
Keeping your Field Clear of Others’ Streams of Thought – The Arcturian Council and My Guides
Breakdown: Other streams of thought or streams of consciousness are interacting with your field. • Some thoughts that you believe have originated from you are not actually yours. • But after engaging with them as if they are yours, you might then build on them, thus creating a different (new) cluster, a different stream of…
What Does Security Mean To You? (Video)
You Ask, We Answer Introduction Join Sue and Carrie as they use the tarot and intuitive messages to address your most pressing questions … practical answers from a spiritual perspective. About Carrie Beleno I am an intuitive reiki master/teacher, spiritual life coach, and general communicator with all things energetic… (which is everything!)….
Entering A Time of Quantum Realm Understanding – The Arcturian Council
The Arcturians: Humans are approaching a time now of a bridge. There is a bridge now happening where humans are learning to understand the quantum field in which they operate. This is not all humans concurrently, but in waves. The point is manifestation energies are increasing and humans are learning to determine which is their…