Fear is Your Friend

Without doubt, fear is perhaps the most misunderstood and paralysing ‘feeling’ that you may wrestle with in life. Sometimes simply because of its name, we feel that we should be afraid of it. But this is not the case. By understanding and being mindful of fear we can actually appreciate it, value it, learn from it…

Be Conscious of Your Actions and Support Conscious Actions

With all the financial troubles assailing the world at this time, I have been asked for some advice about how to invest ethically or what to do with money, which to me is a symbolic extension of who you are. There are many ethical bonds, banks and organisations that one can invest in. Better still,…

How to End Relationships That No Longer Serve You

Many people in our society choose to endure relationships long beyond what is deemed to be healthy. To some people, having a relationship at all, regardless of how miserable it makes you, is better than being on your own, and all that this implies. To others, early childhood programming has taught them to put up…

A Gentle Step Back

“While you’ll feel compelled to charge forward, it’s often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you are and what you truly seek.” – Rasheed Ogunlaru In life we’re pretty much conditioned to constantly be looking ahead, moving ahead. We become restless and impatient. We feel that things are moving too slowly….

Are You Stuck On The Personal Development Treadmill?

You buy all the latest books, you watch the videos, and you go to the latest guru’s seminars. Just like running on a treadmill, you’re working really hard and getting nowhere, or at least not as far or as fast as you’d like! “I have read dozens of books, attended countless seminars, took a six week class…

Communicate Completely

If you think about it, almost every thought that you have is a total waste of time. Some thoughts are wonderful but most of them, thoughts of worry or of stress for example, are a waste of time because your thinking assumes that it knows all possible outcomes or potential. If it did, we would…

Don’t Forget to Play!

I think that playing games, rather than being a waste of time, can actually teach us valuable lessons in running our business. Business is a serious affair – yes? So many things to think about – sales, marketing, revenue, employees, taxes, legal issues – and the list goes on! We can get so immersed in…