Whatever You’re Feeling Right Now, it’s OK – Part 1

I wanted to share some further thoughts, and my learnings, from this current situation, in the hope that it might offer encouragement and some useful ideas and tips. Bearing in mind that we’re in information overload at the moment, I’ll keep the posts short and hopefully easy to read. When the Coronavirus lockdown started, it…

Keeping Your Balance

Balance can be such a fragile thing, can’t it? Even when we think we’re pretty solid and stable, it can take a fairly ‘small’ thing to unsettle us, knock our confidence and sense of security, and leave us questioning where we are, what we’re doing and where we’re going. On the morning of 20 November…

Why the Pandemic of Fear is at Least as Worrying as Coronavirus – Part 4

Having looked at the impact that fear can have on our wellbeing, I’d like to encourage you to do all you can to address any feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, or panic around Coronavirus and its potential impact on your health, finances, businesses, travel, etc. or on that of those close to you.  There are many…

Why the Pandemic of Fear is at Least as Worrying as Coronavirus – Part 3

The META Conscious™ perspective on the symptoms of Covid-19 would be to consider the following: Our bodies seek to be in harmony with the environment around them.  They actually function in synergy with bacteria, viruses and fungi, using them to support this wellbeing process. (If you’d like to know more about this, check out the…

Why the Pandemic of Fear is at Least as Worrying as Coronavirus – Part 2

The impact of coronavirus is therefore much more than just the possibility of catching it, and we need to remember that in most cases the symptoms are not life threatening. In fact, fear is much more contagious, as has been shown by the widespread media coverage and the empty supermarket shelves.   I believe that…

Why the Pandemic of Fear is at Least as Worrying as Coronavirus – Part 1

You might have noticed that I’m posting this blog series ‘early’ – I normally post on the first weekend of the month – but I felt it was important to make a response to the current situation – one that focuses on wellbeing – in this time of uncertainty. I will be sharing the article…

Making a Fresh Start

The start of a New Year is a time when we traditionally think about fresh starts.  Perhaps you’re considering: a new diet a new exercise programme a new course of study learning a new language / skill This year, particularly, might be triggering thoughts of change and new beginnings, given that it is also the…

Coming Home to the Self

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about why I do what I do, and why I love working with the people who come to me.  Basically, it’s because I was that person. Rewind a few years and I was very unhappy.  Initially I tried to tell myself that I was ‘fine’, or at least that…

Equenergy Blog is Back!

Hello again! I’m back – a week later than planned, but I’m here now, and I thought I’d give you a bit of an update on what’s been happening here at Equenergy. The original plan was to take time off from posting here and to use it instead for reflection and for focusing on some…

Taking a Break

I came across a great blog post the other day by ‘The Flying Witch’, Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel entitled Time for Wholeness.  Ms Tivel’s blog carries the subheading ‘Flying with the feminine’ and in this particular article she writes about her experiences of going through perimenopause and needing to observe and honour the changes going on…

Is Summer Feeling Like a Bit of a Wash-Out?

How is your summer going?  I hope you’re getting at least some sunshine, though the UK has been experiencing some very unseasonable weather this August!  This can make such a difference to our mood and motivation levels, particularly when we’ve been holding on for our summer holidays and counting on warm sunshine, only to find…