My Spiritual Journey: Guidance from the Dragonfly

The beginning of the school year proves to be one of heightened emotional stress and upheaval, as I navigate the highs and lows of sending my children to school. My eldest daughter has almost completed her first year at primary school, and my youngest daughter her first year at preschool. Both are very happy in…

My Spiritual Journey: A Singing Bowl Meditation

Sound therapy is something that I have been learning about during recent years, and I find that it is increasingly important for my internal health and mental wellbeing. It is widely accepted that humans (and animals) respond to sounds in different ways, indeed we enjoy music for that very reason. Music and sound has a…


I could not pass up the opportunity to mention my gorgeous four-legged baby. He is my Boy, my first child, my darling dog, Baxter. Yes, I am a dog lover. And technically, Baxter is not my first doggy child. Before him I had Toby, a handsome Yorkshire Terrier, who died when he was 11. Baxter…


I am a witch. It took a long time for me to accept this label. I’ve always loved the romantic notion of a witch, I lapped up the pop culture when I was younger (Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Morticia Addams), and I read books about witches whenever I can. Now I am even beginning to…


Who here is familiar with the idea of riding the vortex? I’m talking Law of Attraction. This is a concept I came across around ten years ago, a few years before I wrote and published my first novel. I was searching for my place in life, and I was desperately trying to make sense of…


I think unkempt is a very appropriate word for me and my place in life right now. I am generally a rather tidy person, even though I am a creative soul. Traditionally we view artists and wordsmiths as being a little ditsy or disorganised. Well, I am certainly disorganised, but I do like to keep…


The idea of being spiritual holds different meanings for everybody. Many people, when hearing the word spiritual, will associate it with religion. I have learned that to be spiritual does not mean to be religious. They are two separate entities, although they do entwine very closely because they are such important belief systems for the…

Role Model

I decided to write about role models in terms of my place in the world for my daughters and their friends. I am a role model to my children and their peers, as are all the other adults that they come into contact with. If you think about it, we are all role models for…


I decided to call myself the Pagan Housewife for the purposes of my blog. I felt like I needed something to encompass the subjects I write about, and since I write about aspects of daily life, my spiritual adventures, and of course, my books, then I needed something to reflect that. I am pagan. It…

Out and About

Being a writer can be a very insular and lonely existence. We spend long periods of time scribbling in notebooks or typing on our computers, and we barely stop to glance out of the window. Of course, being a mother of young children, I have to step away from the computer quite regularly. We spend…


Being a Mother is my most important job. That might sound a bit cheesy, but it is absolutely true. I never saw myself as the maternal type, before I had children. I had this vague idea that I would one day have a family, but I never considered the full implications. It is just something…