Why Is Trying To Change Someone Else’s Beliefs Detrimental? (Video)
You Ask, We Answer Introduction Join Sue and Carrie as they use the tarot and intuitive messages to address your most pressing questions … practical answers from a spiritual perspective. About Carrie Beleno I am an intuitive reiki master/teacher, spiritual life coach, and general communicator with all things energetic… (which is everything!)….
How Can We Embrace Expansion And Know When The Time Is Right?(Video)
You Ask, We Answer Introduction Join Sue and Carrie as they use the tarot and intuitive messages to address your most pressing questions … practical answers from a spiritual perspective. About Carrie Beleno I am an intuitive reiki master/teacher, spiritual life coach, and general communicator with all things energetic… (which is everything!)….
Message to Awakened Humanity: Things Shift as You Shift – The Arcturian Council
The Arcturians: In regard to the duty you have claimed there on the planet, of bringing forth the mastery, the code… in regard to this we say to you, you can be still and not worry. Things are masterfully coming forward. But there is much turmoil on the planet and it seems like things will…
How Can We Avoid Being Deceived? (Video)
You Ask, We Answer Introduction Join Sue and Carrie as they use the tarot and intuitive messages to address your most pressing questions … practical answers from a spiritual perspective. About Carrie Beleno I am an intuitive reiki master/teacher, spiritual life coach, and general communicator with all things energetic… (which is everything!)….
Adjusting to Your Higher Baseline Frequencies – The Arcturian Council and my Guides
Breakdown:As your baseline frequency heightens, the pendulum swings more slowly• And at each plateau, the altitude of the pendulum adjusts.(The “pendulum” depicts the rhythm back and forth of energy momentum, natural balance of thought form and influence of thought energy)• It rises in conjunction with your frequency Your level of experiencing shifts• The lowest low…