The Sacral Chakra – Swadhistana

Located slightly below the belly button, this energy centre relates to the gonads (ie the ovaries in the female and the testes in the male) which secrete sex hormones. It is also linked with the lower back. The colour of this chakra is orange; its sense is the sense of taste; its element is water its function is desire and pleasure. The foods for this chakra are…

I Promise to Return

Have you ever felt that a part of you belongs to an ocean, a mountain, a river…that you are that place, and her spirit lives in you wherever you go…that you are made of that essence as you travel the world bridging the love of one far distant mountain to another, or of rivers seeking…

A Fire Inside

The fire inside my new home in Santa Fe, an hour north of Albuquerque, is bright and warm, unlike the night sky. It’s colder in this town, nestled inside the Sangre de Cristo (Blood of Christ) mountains, about 2,000 feet higher in elevation than Albuquerque. But I’m here for two months, in a home I’m…

The Chakra System

In this series of 8 posts I’ll be looking at the Chakra System.  The word ‘chakra’ comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel.  It is a metaphor for the eternal cycle of time and so represents celestial order and balance ( Wheels of Life, Anodea Judith).  The chakras turn like a set of interconnected cogs and serve…

Thoughts and Emotions: It’s All Weather

You cannot delete your different thoughts, moods, emotions and feelings – no more than you can change the weather. But by understanding and embracing the differing emotions within – like the weather without – will lead you (back) to greater fulfilment in life.       Rasheed Ogunlaru is an acclaimed life, business and corporate…

Applaud the Bad Times!

Imagine how mind-numbingly boring it would be if life was perfect and you never felt stressed or sick or angry or cold or wet or miserable. Imagine if all day, every day, everybody was smiling and happy and content and serene. On the one hand, we all think we want life to be perfect and…