The Yeshua Collective

Yeshua means “salvation” in Hebrew….But before you stop reading, this is not a post about salvation, or religion, or a lecture on the Bible or about being “saved.” This is about where we are headed as a human collective. You know, the stuff I’ve been talking about for years? But it’s getting pretty serious now….

Feeling Your Way from Stress into ‘Flow’ – Part 2 of 5

Unfortunately we have become conditioned to a culture where things are expected to be instant: access to information, or entertainment, and even fast food.  This means that we often look for a ‘magic wand’ – a pill or procedure that will make us well – but in doing this we are relying on external things…

Woman of the XXI century – Are You REALLY Aware of Your Power?

As women, we are obligated to be “superwomen”. We take on so many responsibilities, commitments, duties, hobbies – often so we can meet the needs of others. In our busy lives we find ourselves bombarded 24/7 by so much information, that at times we feel overwhelmed and tired just by the thought of having to…

Springtime Without You

I’m sharing a poem from many springs ago, as I prepare for this spring’s surprises…a grieving of the old…a rebirth: Spring locks her jaws into the hard earth, a pitter patter of rain seeking refuge inside. The windows shut, now open, the moon peers through rows of empty branches, Seeing something I don’t— tulips growing…

Tuning In to Who I Am

Here is another example of reading art.  When you look at the drawing at first it seems as if it will be hard to tell something clear about it. But as I started describing what I see, the vision became clear. This is the fun in this game. The truth is always hiding in plain…

Feeling Your Way from Stress into ‘Flow’ – Part 1 of 5

“Only by being in harmony with our inner nature, and the Nature all around us, can we truly experience wellbeing and flow” Robyn Harris   It almost seems that ‘busy’ is the new black!  In our culture it appears that this is the way we measure success, or value, but when we put pressure on ourselves to maintain…

An Inner Conflict

Obviously there is in this drawing something that grows. And also there is a relationship. The relationship is between two groups. The green and brown is one group and the yellow and ochre is the second group. The yellow and the ochre are free from attachment to the ground. They are transparent and interpenetrating with…