Why Do We Fear Death?

It is said that the only two things in life that are certain are death and taxes and that seems to be the case. Everything in the world around us is constantly changing. We have to let go of traditions, adapt to social, political and financial changes in the world in order to continue to…

Looking For The Answer To Life’s Questions?

How human beings locate information and learn about what they need has changed dramatically. Today, more than at any other time, information is available literally at our fingertips every second of every day. While there are some very positive benefits to this type of information availability, there are also some significant risks and potential dangers…

In Parenthesis

The workshop was successful. I did many workshops or presentations before. I always prepared well and knew what I would say and do. I always left enough things undecided, so that intuition will be able to come into the talking and doing too. But I also had worries about success, about people loving me in…

Is There a Negative Side To All This Positive Thinking?

 We are programmed by a strong desire to seek pleasure and avoid pain. This is so deep rooted in our subconscious that it motivates pretty much everything that we do. Recently, there has been a movement towards positive thinking as a way of overcoming our challenges, and dispelling negative feelings. However, despite the thousands of…

The Shape of Things to Come

I recently spent 3 weeks in the Isle of Man with my brother who lives there. It’s a place full of fairies and mysteries, a place that feels deeply spiritual, whatever that word means. Today a variety of religious groups from evangelical Christians to Pagan fundamentalists use its ‘energies’ for worship. But many more just…