Bodhisattva Conversations with… Anadi James Taylor (Podcast)

In this podcast, Anadi James Taylor explores the concept‘An overnight success takes about ten years’. Anadi is the founder of iSportsAnalysis, which is the leading software for online Sports Analysis worldwide. He shares with us his journey to this point, which began ten years ago…! You can listen to our previous podcast by clicking here. Podcast…

Bodhisattva Conversations with… Katie Cole (Podcast)

In this podcast, you can hear the continued adventures of Katie Cole, who has just moved from Wales to Scotland to start her new role as an “Education and experience officer” for Trees for Life. Katie previously shared her journey of recovery from abuse as a child and a subsequent eating disorder. In this podcast,…

Coffee Shop Life…

I am sitting writing in a coffee shop… When we come to Winchmore Hill we take up residency in the Larder, but on Mondays it is closed, so I am sitting in another, surrounded by much deliciousness and chatter and plenty… Plenty of people and food and choices of smoothies, brownies, healthy meals and coffees……

In Celebration of Love, Life and Enduring Friendship…

I love our ‘Larder’ London experiences, when we land in Winchmore Hill we take up residency in ‘The Larder’… Coffee shop life is the life for me, especially after 11 miles of running on a cold December morning! We turned up on Michael’s doorstep in the first week he opened, two and a half years…

Little Red…

I am sitting on the terrace in the afternoon sun; Jane and I are thinking that it will soon be time for coffee; our breakfast went on until lunchtime and then we went on a shopping spree just as the shops were closing for Spanish siesta…! But it meant we had a nice walk and…

What Matters to You…?

Athena Jane arrived over the blue footbridge from the airport and we whisked her away in our hire car all of us hungry for lunch… At 3.30pm we realised we better turn off the main road and look for somewhere to eat as bars and restaurants generally stop serving lunch at 4pm… At 3.55 we…