Exploring Popular Opinion – Pollution (Video)
Pollution is a massive problem on the planet – from plastics, the chemicals in the air, land and sea, plus the food we eat and the water we drink. I am taking a look at the energy around this issue.
Sue is the Founder of Soulfully Connecting and Mystic Matters. She has spent over 40 years on her spiritual journey which, amongst other things, included training as a medium, hands on healing, graphologist and tarot reader. She has been a tarot reader for 26 years and took part in festivals around the world for 14 of those years.
The idea behind Soulfully Connecting is to demonstrate that there are other ways of living which can heal the earth, the animal kingdom and ourselves. She is passionate about people having freedom of choice, which is only possible when they know about all the options.
Twitter – @soulecting and @soulfullysue