Exploring Popular Opinion – Addiction (Video)

There are many different opinions about the nature of addiction in all its forms. There are varying perspectives and so I thought I’d ask the cards about the nature of addiction.     Sue is the Founder of Soulfully Connecting and Mystic Matters.  She has spent over 40 years on her spiritual journey which, amongst…

Exploring Popular Opinion – Higher Consciousness (Video)

Higher Consciousness is about raising our vibration and becoming a better version of ourselves, but how do we know when we’ve got there and what do we do with it? I thought I’d ask the cards.     Sue is the Founder of Soulfully Connecting and Mystic Matters.  She has spent over 40 years on…

Exploring Popular Opinion – Spirituality (Video)

This episode I thought it would be interesting to look at the energy behind spirituality.     Sue is the Founder of Soulfully Connecting and Mystic Matters.  She has spent over 40 years on her spiritual journey which, amongst other things, included training as a medium, hands on healing, graphologist and tarot reader.  She has…

Exploring Popular Opinion – Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) (Video)

GMOs are an extremely contentious subject – some people believe that they are increasing the food supply and other people believe that they are poisoning people. I am looking at the energy behind the subject of GMOs in order to seek some enlightenment on the subject.     Sue is the Founder of Soulfully Connecting…