Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow
The last time I wrote a blog in September of 2021 I entitled it the Nature of Chaos, I could have used the same title for this one… At the time of that writing the world was going through a hugely turbulent time as had I, but I was hoping I was coming to the end of mine. Hmm… many months on and the world seems to have become crazier and the wild ride of life is continuing fast and furiously with energies changing left, right and centre! All the wild weather being experienced has led me to think that mother nature is having a hand in these shifts of energy, certainly here in the UK she is having a good clear out with high winds and storms, perhaps she has decided to take some action in assisting clearing away of the old.
On a personal note we sadly were not able to stay at the place we thought would be a home for us and our project so then ensued a horribly stressful time of trying to find somewhere new to live as well as beginning again the search for land. Searching for land without a stable base felt too panicked so we decided to focus on somewhere to stay for a while to ground ourselves for a bit. The rental market has become insane and for anyone looking to rent a temporary home my heart goes out to you, if you have children or in our case furry children you seem to be way down the list, a serious issue for so many and being unable to find a home is an awful feeling, even finding a pitch for the caravan is difficult over the winter with any year round sites being full. Finally though through a series of amazing connections and so much kindness, we have found somewhere to live until mid May and made the leap from Wales to Cornwall in a short space of time. Phew!
I do know that we are not alone, so many have been messaging to say they are struggling, life seems to be falling apart at the seams. Loss of loved ones, homes, friendships, jobs, relationships, there still seems to be no certainty or stability left. Everything continues to feel unstable with nothing solid for us to cling onto.
One of the biggest issues I have noticed is this rapid changing in friendships and relationships, I am seeing this everywhere. People in our lives, some of them for years, suddenly seem to be on different wavelengths, differing thoughts, opinions and beliefs. Although it can feel so frustrating when those we know seem changed or our opinions are wide apart it does not have to mean the end of those friendships. We can still love one another, despite differences and this I feel is really important. We don’t have to agree on everything in order to love. For some this is not proving to be that much of a challenge and if you are able to laugh at your differences, hug, talk and joke about the things you do have in common and carry on then that is just perfect. However for some this is not happening and there may have been dreadful fallings out with harsh words, judgement and uncomfortable feelings. If this is happening for you then please do not feel alone, it is happening the world over. For some it is the end of those relationships, sad as that may be sometimes we need to walk away from people for the sake of our own well being. One of the big themes for these times is about standing in our own power and if people in our life cause us to feel disempowered, lacking in confidence or lesser in some way then it can be a sign it is time to walk away, sometimes acknowledging that it is simply not working and letting go is the only way to move forward.
It is not just friendships and relationships of course that are shifting, this applies to any situation or relationship in life including working and living environments. These changing energies are causing huge shake ups in every part of life, political, medical, religious institutions, financial institutions, royalty, it seems everywhere we look nothing is what it seemed to be and this can seem frightening which can then induce anger in many. Anger is often hiding the emotion of fear as well as other emotions, grief, guilt, lack of love. There can be fear of change, of things not being stable, of being scared for our future, for the future of ourselves and our loved ones, grief at the loss of the way things were, at feeling lost, guilt at making the wrong choices and feelings of self loathing. All of these emotions can cause the heart to close so that no matter how kind or loving you try to be, that love simply cannot be received by that person. So when you are faced with someone who gets angry or who seems to be hurtful in some way and that seems to be directed at you, try to have a peep under the surface, it may be that they are fearful and need reassurance and love – not a punch up or a war of words. Again, sometimes that love cannot be received so the only option may be to walk away, walking away does not mean you are not loving, it means you are looking after your self. You can still send loving energy from a distance, you can still sprinkle little seeds of love and hope they grow but do that when you have made sure that you are OK, it is not selfish to look after yourself, we can never fully help others if we are not OK within ourselves – actually we can, but we end up depleted and on the floor, not a good place to be and not what these new light filled energies are about.
In a way it feels as though we are all pieces of snow in one of those snow globes – you know, the ones we got given to us by Granny when she went on holiday, a twee little water filled globe with an idyllic beach or village in it, you shake it up and the little pieces of snow fly and twirl around before finally coming back down to settle at the bottom. In this huge snow globe we are all in though the pieces feel like they may be about to land when a giant hand comes down and shakes it up again and off we all are once more, flying about with nothing certain to cling onto. On a worldly scale this snow globe shake up is essential and bringing change, equality, freedom and love on a global scale, clearing out the old outdated energies to make way for the new. On a personal level it is akin to clearing out our cupboards – all those things we tuck away thinking we might wear again one day, or might lose enough weight to get back into, or maybe that will come in handy for some occasion or the other. Clear it all out, do not keep hold of anything that no longer fits, is no longer useful or feels good, only keep the things in your life that make your heart sing. Look at every situation and ask yourself how it makes your heart feel? Happy? Anxious? Warm? Scared? Peaceful? Clearing out the old and outdated, those people or situations that no longer make you feel good creates space for the new to come in, try not to cling on to the things that take up space but are no longer of love.
Overall, the bigger picture in this mass shake up is that all the bits of snow will land precisely where they are meant to depending on our intention for this beautiful new earth we are creating. New connections, new friendships, new structures and new ways of living are all becoming much more real. Ask yourself, what is it that you are focused on? The chaos that you can see or the future that you want to create?
When we finally settle on the ground the landscape looks completely different, all the bits of snow that were next to us previously may be elsewhere, nothing looks the same and we need to take time to adjust to this new dynamic. Settle we will, but when we do that we will be in a new and more suitable environment, we will be drawn to and drawing to us those who are like minded. We will be stronger, lighter, much more aware of our own resilience, more able to discern what is good for us and what no longer serves us. We will be free to choose how we want to live our lives and who we wish to do that with. In the meantime, keep hold of yourself, keep checking in with your own heart and feelings, keep chucking out those trousers that are too tight. Does this situation feel good? No? Then walk away. Yes? Then follow that. Focus on the things that bring joy to yourself and others, focus on this new world you wish to inhabit. Let your heart be your guide to your future. You decide, you choose, you are the guide to your own path and future. In the meantime, hug – a person, a dog, a cat, a tree – put your feet on the grass, envisage the world how you wish it to be, hold on to your hat and let it snow.

I am a healer, a therapist, a writer, a teacher and am mostly at the beck and call of my naughty rescue dogs. Because of my own healing journey, I have a deep belief that the changes we want to see in this world must start from within us, no exceptions. I am passionate about helping others to live from their hearts and to follow their path to happiness and love.
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