Celebrating Earth Day and Enjoying Spring
This month we have opened up to the world again here in the UK. Shops, leisure facilities and non-medical healthcare services have resumed, including the reopening of my business, Goldstone Reiki.
My business is new and still growing, so for the past few weeks I have taken time to connect with Mother Nature. Since I work with natural Earth energy anyway it seems only right that I should revere the beauty of my little world. Every day I walk my dog along the canal in our town, across fields and pathways, and then I have been walking a friend’s dog in a nearby village where I discovered some fantastic woodland to explore.
The pandemic has changed everybody. I feel stronger, more self-confident and better able to stand up for myself in situations where previously I had been unhappy. Some people feel more nervous now, anxious about returning to work after furlough or concerned for their health following a prolonged period of shielding to protect from Covid-19. One thing is certain: the world still stands. Our seasons still change, our weather is constant if unpredictable, the trees, plants and waterways remain unchanged. We can always rely on Mother Nature to sustain us.
Catherine is the author of the adult paranormal romance series The Redcliffe Novels and also The Darkness of Love, She has short stories published in YA anthologies, freelance articles on various industry websites, and contributes to her personal blog, and her author blog .
You can find Catherine on Facebook and Twitter