Do Toxins Interrupt the Natural Process of Fertility?

When considering pregnancy, there are many factors to include. Finance, relationship health, career paths and so forth are all looked at. Very few people, however, consider the toxic burden of both the mother and father when planning a pregnancy. Infertility is becoming more frequent and it has been suggested that over 10% of the world’s…

Would You Recognize The Signs Of Aluminium Toxicity?

Aluminium is one of the most common heavy metals in our environment. It is found in a wide variety of materials and objects from common household products through to medical vaccinations. Like all of the heavy metals, aluminium exposure is cumulative and, over time, toxicity levels are reached within the body. When this occurs there…

Mercury: A Toxin With Significant Health Risks

There is no doubt that the number of diagnosed diseases and conditions that are caused by toxins in the body are on the rise. These include serious physical and mental health conditions such as childhood asthma, autoimmune disorders, ADD, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, allergies and any number of other symptoms including infertility. How heavy metals such as…

How Do You Know If You Are Suffering From Toxic Poisoning?

The simple answer to that question is that you do not know most of the time that your body is being affected by the toxic onslaught. In cases of severe poisoning, the body has a few reflexes, which include vomiting and diarrhoea to expel the toxins quickly from the body. However, most toxins are invisible…

Lyme Disease and Benefits of Chaga Medicinal Mushrooms

Before we can appreciate and understand the various benefits of Chaga medicinal mushrooms for helping treatment and symptoms of Lyme, it is important to understand the basic functions and impact of Lyme disease itself. As anyone who has encountered Lyme, or lives with it knows- it is a very sneaky and insidious and invasive condition…

What They Do Not Want You to Know About Fluoride

The fluoride that is put into our water system is a by product of the phosphate fertilizer industry – it is toxic waste, literally. Before there were environmental restrictions on industry, the toxins were released as gas into the air, causing widespread environmental damage to crops and livestock. In 1983, Weinstein said “Certainly, there has…

Changing Our Approach: Improving Alzheimer Health

As an Alzheimer coach and consultant, there is one thing I find extremely disheartening. When working with new clients or having a casual conversation, I find one thing that seems to be shared by almost everyone. The sense of finality in having Alzheimer’s. We can slow the progression, but there is no cure. This false…