Saying Goodbye – Kali Kat (Part 2)
Kali loved to spend time outdoors, either exploring or sitting in the sunshine and enjoying its warmth. During the winter she didn’t go out as much, as she hated the cold, and instead enjoyed the odd game of chase to keep up her hunting skills.
She loved to be up at a height where she could see what was going on, and that would allow her to join in and be sociable – kitchen worktops, shelves, top of the TV, nearest cupboard or door, were all favourite spots for her. She also loved to inspect everything and didn’t like closed doors, wanting to know what was behind them and demanding that they be opened for her.
Her favourite of all the things we ever bought for her was the ‘climbing frame’, with platforms where she could sit and look out of the window to watch the birds.
As you can imagine, she quickly became the focus of our day. Our first thoughts in the morning would be: Where’s Kali? Is she up yet and has she had breakfast? On returning home we would often be greeted with demands to know where we’d been, and cries for a treat to compensate for being left alone, even if only for half an hour, and even if she’d been asleep for this time!
I’m very grateful to have had these years with her. I was going through some challenges and she was like a ray of sunshine, always there, brightening my day with her presence, warming my heart, sharing her feline wisdom and often making me smile. These last few weeks were hard, knowing that the end was approaching, but beautiful too as I felt we deepened our connection and she shared new lessons with me about respecting the ageing process and how to approach it with grace and openness.
Next week I’ll share more about this journey and some of the challenges it brought.
My journey into working in the field of Wellbeing began when I joined an online course in Evolutionary Enlightenment. This caused me to take a hard look at my life – my career, my direction, my purpose – and question whether or not it was really right for me. The answer was No. I was lost, struggling and unhappy.
Searching for something that would resonate for me and that would support my need to grow, I started learning Reiki which, in a roundabout way, led me back to one of my passions: animals. Horses in particular hold a very special place in my heart. I love supporting owners to explore their horse’s physical and emotional needs.
I went on to study Energy Healing, Emotional Freedom Techniques and META-Health because I also love supporting other women who are experiencing similar experiences of stress and overwhelm. I love holding a safe space where they can discover that they have always had choices and the power to make their own decisions.
mobile: 07980 669303
Skype: by appointment only to ensure that I am in the office and available to take your call. Please contact me to arrange a date and time.