The Waves of Manifestation, Opposing Energies, and Frequency with the Arcturian Council (Video)

This message is all about how thought forms, intentions, and emotional urgency relate to your baseline (average) frequency and your rate of manifestation. As they relayed the message, the Arcturians called these “the waves of manifestation”. As always, set an intention to receive these words through your heart space. Love you my friends? Channeled from…

Your Heart Knows

‘Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add but when there is nothing left to take away.’ – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry It is beneficial to contemplate this quote, in order to realise that this is the intention of spiritual and meditational practice. You know intuitively that when you meditate, you are not…

Avoid Feeding Timelines of Fear (and short message about Shamanic abilities) – The Arcturian Council (Video)

As always, set an intention to receive these words through your heart space. Love you my friends? See transcript below. The Arcturians: You each and All do you have the shamanic abilities within you from eons of lives (spoken in terms of time). You can pull them forward “at will”. The problem is you do…


Awakening is so very important, because so many of us, as individuals, but also as humanity in general, the collective that we find ourselves in during these times, so many people have been focusing on clearing out dissatisfaction, and the sense of helplessness that has been made very obvious by the situations that we’re facing…

What I’m Feeling In The Collective Now (Turbulent Energies) with the Arcturians and My Guides (Video)

As always, set an intention to receive these words through your heart space. Love you my friends? Happening in the collective right now: 1. The energy of pain and struggle as we move toward new timelines and manifestations because of the opposing energies (outdated programs) coming up for healing or closing out 2. This is…

Break Out From the Old Way of Seeing Things (definitions and polarity) – The Arcturian Council (Video)

Time to fully step into your power of Creation my friends. As always, set an intention to receive these words through your heart space. Love you my friends? See transcript below. The Arcturians: You are coming out of the defining of everything in in terms of being separate. It is not that you will not…

Is Seeing Believing?

“Sometimes silence is golden, and seeing is not really the revelation of truth. Additionally, and the old saying ‘seeing is believing,’ is perhaps not as simple as it sounds.” Tony Samara It’s important that we begin a meditation by just focusing on letting go. Letting go of the mundane thoughts and feelings that so very…

Why the Cycles Keep Repeating – (the Speeding up of Our Evolution) (Video)

Hello fellow Wayshowers! This message is about our continuous cycles of growth during this ascension process. It is important to understand the nature of this to remain in our power of creation and better avoid the “fatigue” and dissolution that brings us out of the heart space. The Arcturian Council decided to include a short…

Operating and Processing from the Heart Mind (Part 2) (Video)

I apologize friends, I had to cut some of the beginning from the transcription because it was too long for YouTube’s description area. The written message below starts at 2:40 Discussion starts at 8:43. As always, set an intention to receive these words through your heart space. Love you my friends? The Arcturians: (starts at…

What is Meditation?

Many people have never heard the word meditation before whilst others have heard it and understand it from a certain perspective, or a certain reality. Yet, meditation is very simple. It is not a technique, or the repeating of a certain word over and over again, but rather, it is a state of mind that…