Bodhisattva Conversations with… Bijou Harding (Podcast)

Bijou Harding is the founder of ‘Bijou Creates‘ which specialises in hand-made authentic fashion designs with West African textiles.

In this podcast Bijou shares with us how her enterprise developed through her love of designing, making and creating so many different things.

We met in a cafe in London and  started chatting and were delighted to discover that we both come from Sierra Leone!

Click here for Bijou’s website
And you can find her on instagram @bijoucreates

Podcast link

I have been running all of my life – it feels I was born to run. In the running step I experienced freedom and my true expression. I came to see that I needed to ‘get out of the way of myself’ and let my energy flow through the running step; allow it to express itself in the dance and the motion of running.

I have also worked in the lives of others as a guide, counsellor, healer and teacher for over 40 years.

I lived as a nomad for 6 years with my husband Anadi, but my inner voice brought me back to the UK in May 2019 and I have been living and working and running in London since then….

Julia Chi
Teacher of Life Skills
+44 (0)7908 239 464
