Carrie Beleno

Carrie Beleno



Carrie Beleno is an Intuitive Reiki master/teacher, spiritual life coach, inspirational speaker and author. She received a phone call from an anonymous man from Tibet who told her that she was a “powerful healer” and needed to trust and step fully into that role.

Since that call, Carrie has written two books: The Night Yoda Phoned: My Direction From Spirit and Because Yoda Said So: Following Your Intuition. It is her mission to help humanity live in love and move from chaos to calm!

Big Changes Are Coming…

I know, I know, you’re thinking, my god, haven’t we had ENOUGH changes already? But these changes are different. What has been occurring for the entirety of 2020 is the breakdown of the old. These aren’t the changes (believe it or not). These changes are going to be revolutionary. They are going to be created…

The Great Divide…

It’s impossible to ignore all of the things that are dividing humanity right now, isn’t it? Politics, race, bureaucracy, government officials, laws, social media, school scheduling, medical care…Even a simple five-inch square of cloth. A five-inch square of cloth. Are you exhausted yet? I know I am. ​But there’s a cure. A very simple cure….

You Don’t Have To…

You don’t have to believe, understand or have faith. You don’t have to buy in, tap in or “feel the energy.” It’s happening to all of us, just by virtue of the fact that we are alive on Earth together in this moment.We have chosen, as humanity, to evolve. You may take a look at…


Why? you ask. Why viruses? Why political divisiveness? Why world turmoil? Why do “bad things happen to good people?” Why, why, why? Surely we are victims…we didn’t ask for this, right? My mission in life (and my actual job) is to offer new perspectives on life’s traumas and experiences~and the emotions that come with them~to…

Dear Humanity

Now that the human race has slowed to a crawl, I hope that you see what I see… ~ People are collecting food and offering it for free. ~ Restaurant owners are feeding needy children and families. ~ Clients and patrons are supporting small business owners, even while said businesses are closed. ~ Parents are…

I’ve Ditched the News and Social Media…

No more alerts, banners, newsfeeds, apps…No more automatic updates…Not on TV, my phone, the radio. Nothing. I’ve also deleted my Twitter account and eliminated Facebook scrolling. But we’re in the information age, you say. We can know anything in an instant, at our fingertips! “Don’t you want to know what’s going on in the world?”…

My Flu Shot Story…

Yesterday I was presented with an opportunity to further my spiritual work in a mainstream setting, something I’ve been fostering in the world for decades (for all healers, not just me!). But there was a caveat, and for me, a big one. I was required to get a mandatory flu vaccine. And I refused. Now,…

Label Challenge…

What’s the gorilla? Thoughtful? Sad? Watchful? Or just sleepy? Labels. Probably one of the most detrimental habits humans have adopted. Teachers will agree, yes? We all had those students who “defied the odds” against their labels and we see it all the time on social media and the news. Recent case in point: Greta Thunberg….

Bohemian Critic

Did you see Bohemian Rhapsody? I’ve been feeling nostalgic lately…I know the “good old days” are just an illusion, they weren’t as “good” as our memories usually are, but this movie took me back~ back to my teen years, back to when life sure seemed simpler. Back to a time where music anthems, not chaos,…

Why All The Chaos?

Complicated times we live in, aren’t they? Seems like everything is chaotic: elections, government, weather, healthcare, school security, job security, climate change….even purchasing lottery tickets is chaotic! There’s a reason for this, and believe it or not, we have created this chaos. But it’s not for the reason you think. It’s not an omen of the end of…